The Learning Corner
From basic safety tips, "Super Mutts" definition to Pet Insurance, a little bit of sunshine in bringing your new pup home...
So much to talk about...
Luna's Legacy
Plants & Dogs
There are many plants that are very poisonous to dogs, but one specifically took to the life of our beautiful SMB recruit Luna. After ingesting just a few seeds Luna became very sick and within 48 hrs had to put to sleep due to massive internal bleeding.
"Super Mutts"
When rescuing a dog, even a breeder dog, DNA tests show that "super mutts" are the new composition of today's breeds. But what is a "super mutts"? Well, click over to see how amazing the new and more affordable pet DNA tests describe these incredible pups personality traits at its best.
Pet Insurance
Is pet insurance a good or bad idea? if you ask us, we will say it is a great idea. From accidents, from jumping a couch, to getting ill over too much fat in a treat, you never know if you will need to hit the vet for some major help.
Vets costs have risen tremendously over the last few years and sometimes even a simple ear infection will cost you over $300.
Just like humans, you are what you eat applies to your pets. When recommending pet food to our adopters, we always give them a few options from lowered priced items to more expensive wet food brands. However, we have partnered up with our long time volunteer and Certified Holistic Pet Coach Rina Gressett for an informative summary on how to do it right
Suspect your pet has been poisoned?
When leaving your pets with a family member, friend or pet sitter, always remember to leave Animal Poison Control handy as they are open 24/7 (888) 426-4435